Putting Your Safeguarding, Wellbeing & Attendance Policies into Action

CPOMS safeguarding software for schools

See How to Enhance Your Safeguarding Initiatives with CPOMS StudentSafe


Promoting the Comprehensive Safety of Every Student

CPOMS StudentSafe helps schools uphold and enhance their student wellbeing initiatives. Completely customisable, the software also helps lessen the burden on staff managing administrative tasks, allowing schools to gain efficiency.

StudentSafe helps schools confidently demonstrate their student wellbeing policies and protocols, such as referrals, child-on-child abuse, interventions, attendance, persistent absence, and more. It provides clear, effective, and secure record-keeping.


Fully Customisable

Tailor CPOMS StudentSafe to meet your school’s exact needs, including categories of concern, user roles and permissions, input forms, severity ratings and alerts. This helps ensure an effective, easy-to-use tool for staff, DSLs and Headteachers.
Expand Student Wellbeing Initiatives
Expand your ability to manage student wellbeing beyond national and local referral forms to other initiatives such as child on child abuse, mental health, and sexual exploitation all within CPOMS StudentSafe.
Premium Cases and Forms
Escalate any incident directly into a case for greater clarity and more effective case management. Link previous and future incidents to a case and collaborate more efficiently with staff and other agencies.

Form Guidance 

Within a form, schools can incorporate tips and guidance to ensure the form is completed correctly. Also incorporate checks and balances such as whether a parent or carer has been notified or if assigned tasks have been completed.

Transferable Records

CPOMS StudentSafe allows schools, with the appropriate consent, to readily obtain and share any portion of a Child Protection history for pupils transferring to and from your school, ensuring continuity of care.
Audit Controls
All incidents, actions and key transactions performed in CPOMS StudentSafe are time, date and user stamped. Consequently, an audit trail is maintained that accurately records all key activities undertaken using the system. Now you can track and analyse what has been done, by whom and when.

MIS Integration
Integration with leading MIS systems prevents the need to enter data twice. CPOMS StudentSafe adds complementary value to existing MIS systems by delivering specialist functionality together with effective management information, trend analysis and useful statistics.
Highly Secure
With intelligent role-based access, CPOMS StudentSafe allows each school to control who has access to what information and when.
Powerful Reporting

When CPOMS StudentSafe captures all safeguarding, wellbeing and attendance initiatives, dashboards and report analysis can provide more significant insights across schools, local areas, MATS and student cohorts.


Putting Your Policies into Action

Schools must follow specific policies concerning student safeguarding. Still, it is up to each school to determine how and when to respond to safeguarding issues. They must also outline explicit guidelines, expectations, and boundaries.

For instance, having a child-on-child abuse policy marks a significant first step. However, the real work involves developing detailed procedures, training personnel, and implementing measures of responsibility to guarantee the consistent implementation of your policy throughout the school. Executing your student safeguarding policies becomes more manageable with the assistance of StudentSafe.

Data Silos

From low-level concerns to an array of forms, documents, interventions, notes, interviews and more, StudentSafe provides a comprehensive student chronology.

Enhance Collaboration

With everything on one secure platform, staff and caseworkers can collaborate more effectively on interventions, tasks, follow-ups, and report sharing while streamlining administrative efforts and allowing auditors to provide critical feedback.


Actionable policies paired with customized guidance create consistency across schools. Additionally, robust auditing and reporting features improve accountability and ensure all relevant information is passed to caseworkers as quickly as possible.

Take Full

Easily modify existing processes to suit your school’s safeguarding needs. Add custom content as well as checks and balances. Start from scratch and incorporate your school’s protocols and guidelines for any student wellbeing policy.

Customer Support

Everyone at CPOMS is employed directly and our Customer Service Team is based at our Head Offices in Skipton. Understanding how busy people are, we appreciate the importance of being able to pick up the phone or send a quick email and receive a rapid response.

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