
How CPOMS benefits your setting

Powerful reporting

It’s no good having all of your information neatly stored if you cannot interrogate it. Reporting within CPOMS allows you to analyse your data with a few clicks of a mouse. Unlike many report builders, the system is intuitive and doesn’t take any training. Needing summary numbers for Governors, Ofsted, Estyn or ISI? You have them, instantly!

Build a chronology

CPOMS allows you to quickly, easily and above all else securely record all of the information you have on a child in one place. The chronology around a student is built automatically and trends are much easier to spot than they would be on bits of paper. Members of staff from across school can add information to CPOMS allowing Senior Leaders to take appropriate follow up action thereafter.

Collaborative chronology

As an additional feature, Local Authority safeguarding information can be shared with CPOMS schools via an automated Share Contract and seamless, secure transfer between systems. The simplicity and speed help ensure a timely, collaborative approach to a pupil’s safety and wellbeing. Now you can eliminate the need to reformat files, send secure emails and make countless phone calls and focus your time, instead, on providing pupils in distress the early help and support they need.

Fully customisable

CPOMS can be tailored to meet your schools exact needs. You decide what categories of information you would like to monitor and away you go. Want to add a new category? No problem, it can be done in seconds. You could record all of your Child Protection and Safeguarding information as well as recording notes about interventions for Pupil Premium Students or those with SEN.

Student transfers

When children transfer to your school or out to their next school, their full child protection history will move automatically through CPOMS (once consent has been given). If the other schools don’t have CPOMS, you can either upload everything when a child joins, or download everything easily from CPOMS to pass onto the next school.


With intelligent role-based access, CPOMS allows each School to securely control who has access to what information and when. Access can be easily tiered to reflect the need of the setting and the relevant people have full control over system permissions. When a member of staff reports a concern, senior leaders are then able to share detailed information amongst themselves, secure in the knowledge that the right people have been made aware of the situation, at the right time.

Works Anywhere

CPOMS can be accessed from wherever you have an internet connection and will display neatly across all devices including tablets and smartphones. How often do busy members of staff get home in an evening and think that they should have recorded a key piece of information? With CPOMS they can do it there and then and have key members of staff alerted.

Making the Switch

Moving from paper or your current processes couldn’t be easier. Uploading paper copies can be done easily and securely with the original date-stamp of when the concerns first arose. If switching from an alternative provider, the process is completed easily, quickly and effectively by our Technical Team. Your information is sent to us in a secure format and uploaded into the system so that all previous records are present within CPOMS when you first log in.


Customer Support

We are perhaps as proud of our Customer Service as we are of CPOMS itself. Everyone at CPOMS is employed directly inhouse and our Customer Service Team are based at our Head Offices in Skipton. Understanding how busy people are on a day – day basis, we appreciate the importance of being able to pick up the phone or send a quick email and receive a rapid response. For our International Schools, we have a team who work International hours and as such, all of our settings are fully supported by a fantastic team.